Hospitality Daily
Hospitality Daily Podcast
Treat your team like rockstars - Joshua Schaeffer, Virgin Hotels

Treat your team like rockstars - Joshua Schaeffer, Virgin Hotels

Joshua Schaeffer is the General Manager at Virgin Hotels Chicago. Yesterday, we heard about how he hosted a holiday celebration for his team. Today, we’re going to hear more broadly about the philosophy and culture they have that enabled that.

  • The motto that drives them

  • Why staff need to feel special

  • How Joshua does this at his property

👉 How can you treat your team like rockstars?

Hospitality Daily is brought to you this month by Sojern, whom I've been working with to help hospitality providers understand how to use data to better serve and communicate with their guests.

Download our research on how hotels are using data to drive revenue and build stronger relationships or watch our broadcast with Jacquelyn DiStasi at Wyndham on how they are doing this.

Hospitality Daily
Hospitality Daily Podcast
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