Hospitality Daily
Hospitality Daily Podcast
What I learned volunteering as a firefighter- David Jurcak, Grand Hotel

What I learned volunteering as a firefighter- David Jurcak, Grand Hotel

Today is International Volunteer Day, and I want you to hear from one of the best leaders I know about what he’s learned from volunteering.

Today David Jurcak, President of Grand Hotel on Michigan’s Mackinac Island, shares:

  • How he got started volunteering in his community

  • Why he started volunteering

  • What he learned from the people he worked for

👉 What have you learned from volunteering that shapes the way you provide hospitality today?

Hospitality Daily is brought to you this month by Sojern, whom I've been working with to help hospitality providers understand how to use data to better serve and communicate with their guests.

Download our research on how hotels are using data to drive revenue and build stronger relationships or watch our broadcast with Jacquelyn DiStasi at Wyndham on how they are doing this.

Hospitality Daily
Hospitality Daily Podcast
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