Hospitality Daily
Hospitality Daily Podcast
Why invest in experience - Samantha Hardcastle

Why invest in experience - Samantha Hardcastle

Samantha Hardcastle is the founder of The Storied Experience, a consulting agency that helps hospitality providers go beyond just putting heads in beds to become a destination for creating more enriching experiences. In today’s episode, she shares why you should consider investing in experience.

We’re at an interesting point in hospitality today. Demand is still sky-high in many markets, which means many hotels can charge more than they ever have. That’s great but it also means guest expectations are higher than ever. And to be frank, you can have the best furniture and design and service but there’s a limit to what all of that is worth.

Experience is the “X factor.”

Creating a differentiated experience for your guests allows you to charge much more - and for your guests to still feel they got a great deal. That’s true now, and it will remain true when the market isn’t as hot.

Experience will differentiate you, help you avoid being seen as a commodity, and give you pricing power regardless of market conditions.

👉 How are you investing in your guest experience?

Hospitality Daily is brought to you this month by Sojern, whom I've been working with to help hospitality providers understand how to use data to better serve and communicate with their guests.

Download our research on how hotels are using data to drive revenue and build stronger relationships or watch our broadcast with Jacquelyn DiStasi at Wyndham on how they are doing this.

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Hospitality Daily Podcast
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